Functional medicine is amazing. Functional medicine combines the best of both alternative and allopathic medicine. Functional medicine can help uncover the root cause of your illness. Functional medicine treats you like the unique individual you are. But functional medicine has a glaring flaw... Perhaps it's not so much functional medicine … [Read more...]
Does Ear Candling Actually Work?
Does ear candling actually work? Or, is it a dangerous practice with little benefit? Growing up, ear candling was a common practice in my home. My mother touted the benefits and often showed me all the ear wax the candle had collected after a session. As such, I grew up believing ear candling to be a valid therapy. Many years later, Health … [Read more...]
Acupuncture vs Dry Needling – You Need To Know These Differences
Is all acupuncture the same? No. In fact, there is a world of difference between acupuncture and dry needling. You should be well educated on what those differences are before making an appointment! If you haven't already, make sure you check out my post on a modern understanding of acupuncture. I dispel the weird myths surrounding … [Read more...]
The Law Of Attraction: A Guide For Realists
An entire self-help industry has been created on the premise of manifestation and the law of attraction. All you need to do is think about what you want in life and it can be yours! Is that true? Is the reason why you don't have 6-pack abs, more money, a better love life, more energy, etc. just because you're not practicing the law of … [Read more...]
Will A Keto Diet Treat Candida Overgrowth?
The candida diet is among the worst diets ever conceived. But when you're dealing with candida overgrowth, what else can you do? Can you use the keto diet for candida? I know, I'm a keto evangelical. But I also know that this way of eating is not for everyone nor for every condition. My bias towards the keto diet comes about through my work with … [Read more...]
Vegan Vs Keto
Vegan diets will deplete all essential nutrients and make you tired. Keto diets will clog your arteries and cause heart disease. Or... Vegan diets will make you live twice as long. Keto diets will prevent and even reverse Alzheimer's disease. Statements like the above are the common rhetoric you see promoting or dissing keto and vegan diets. … [Read more...]
Is Acupuncture Real? – Updating An Ancient Medicine
If you've ever been to an acupuncturist, you may have been told your qi (energy) is imbalanced. As you'll soon find out, acupuncture really doesn't have much to do with an energetic system inside your body. It's time to update how we think acupuncture works. I'm an acupuncturist. Every day in the clinic, I insert small, sterile needles into … [Read more...]
Could Candida Overgrowth Cause Fatigue?
Do you have the following symptoms: Fatigue? Brain fog or memory problems? Reactions to certain foods? Cravings for sweets? It could be candida. But I'd bet it's something entirely different! Candida might be the root cause of your fatigue. But before starting a candida cleanse, make sure your fatigue isn't caused … [Read more...]
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