Are you tired all the time?
Do you flip-flop between 30-day challenges with no luck?
How about that chronic injury that won’t go away?
Believe it or not, but it’s all related to your blood sugar.
And it’s why we created The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar.
Being healthy is a practice. It’s not a destination.
The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is a course that will empower you with all the tools and information you need to reclaim and maintain your health. We do this by balancing your blood sugar. Even if you think you’re eating healthy, many of your health issues may be related to the food you eat and how your blood sugar responds to it.
Is your food aligned with your genetics?
It probably isn’t if you are experiencing ongoing health issues.
When you eat a food that doesn’t agree with your body for a long period of time, your body is going to start sending out warning signals. This could be through:
- repeated injuries,
- an inability to lose weight,
- an illness that doesn’t seem to get better,
- brain fog,
- fatigue.
Nutrition change isn’t easy
That’s why most people flop from one 30-day challenge to the next. After thirty days there’s just no willpower left in the tank. And that time between 30-day challenges, well that involves binge eating all the bad foods, doesn’t it?
In just 60 days, we’ll help you figure out exactly which foods give you energy and which foods make you tired. And how you can make these changes stick.
Interested in learning more? Book a complimentary 15 minute consultation with Sheena to see if The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is right for you.
The Flourish Difference
You may be wondering how The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is different from seeing a practitioner for your health issues.
During this course we will:
- Identify which foods affect your blood sugar – for better and for worse
- Condense all of our knowledge about nutrition into a few easy-to-understand rules (prepare to be surprised – what we say will shock you!)
- Teach you how to control your blood sugar and stop relying on glucose for fuel
- Hold your hand every step of the way through regular check-ins and group support
- Give you front-of-the-line access to our practitioners rather than waiting months for an appointment
- Prepare you for when the program ends – and schedule regular check-ins to keep you on track for 4 months!
The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is going to teach you how to become healthy.
Your doctor’s office deals with illness and gives you a fix for whatever issue is bothering you. It’s the same with your other health practitioners – including your acupuncturist and massage therapist. They provide a band-aid solution for what is currently bothering you.
To be clear, we’re not against band-aid solutions. When you put your back out, you want a band-aid solution that gets you out of pain as fast as possible. But if your back goes out regularly, no matter how many times you’ve had acupuncture or massage, there’s probably more to your issue.
We developed The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar by relying on our background in Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine takes a 30,000-foot view of all of your health issues and seeks the root cause rather than treat the symptoms. For people like you, the root cause may be blood sugar irregularities from eating the wrong foods.
Interested in learning more? Book a complimentary 15 minute consultation with Sheena to see if The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is right for you.
How can blood sugar affect all these things?
You know that food affects the way you feel. Like when you feel tired after eating Christmas dinner. Or when you experience a sugar rush (and probably a crash) after treating yourself to a hot fudge sundae.
But have you ever thought about how the food you eat affects your health? Everyone’s body handles food differently. That’s why some of your friends can drink red wine, but others get a screaming headache. Our individual genetic makeup dictates which foods we can eat without a problem, and which foods affect our body negatively.
In this course, we’ll help you to identify exactly which foods you tolerate and which ones you don’t.
There’s no template here. Together we’ll craft a plan that is unique to your genetics.
The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is for you if:
You are tired of always being tired
You’ve seen your doctor, tried to get more sleep and googled everything you can think of but nothing works. The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar will dive into your blood sugar and discover what foods and lifestyle habits are causing your fatigue. Think of everything you can do with more energy!
You just can’t lose those extra pounds
No, it isn’t age that’s causing you to keep the weight on – it’s your blood sugar! We will identify which foods are affecting your blood sugar and help you create a personalized nutrition plan. Your body will learn metabolic flexibility.
You will find those pounds will come off on their own.
You have a nagging injury that won’t go away no matter what you do
You’ve seen every practitioner out there and nothing helps. But has anyone taken a look at your diet? When you eat foods that don’t agree with your genetics your body creates inflammation. And that inflammation is behind your chronic injury! What will it feel like to be healed for good?
You want real results – on a timeline
This program will give you regularly scheduled check-ins with and Sheena over six months. You will get the answers you need when you need them.
You need to be accountable to be successful
We’ve been there – started diet after diet but something comes up and suddenly it all crashes. With The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar you will have weekly assignments and accountability check-ins to keep you on track. Plus, it’s always nice to have someone cheering you on!
Will The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar work for you? Schedule a complimentary 15min phone chat!
How does it work?
Week One
We apply your blood sugar monitor. While Sheena are tracking your blood sugar, you will learn more about this course and set your goals.
Week Two
Get ready to learn all things nutrition – some of it will surprise you! We have distilled all of our nutritional knowledge into bite-sized, easy-to-understand modules. You will work with Sheena to break down three of your meals.
Week Three
You have finished with round one of your blood sugar monitor. While we interpret the results, you will learn why blood sugar is so important and why we’re obsessed with it.
Week Four
During your appointment with Sheena, you discussed intermittent fasting. Learn how to fast like a pro with our tips. Plus, Sheena will help you figure out the ten carbs that most affect your blood sugar.
Week Five
Now that you’ve identified which carbs affect your blood sugar the most, it’s time to start looking at what you can eat instead.
Week Six
With two weeks of fasting under your belt, it’s time to amp it up. Your eating habits are starting to look very different – and you are already feeling a lot better!
Week Seven
You strap back on the blood sugar monitor to see how these changes have affected your blood sugar and if you are moving toward metabolic flexibility.
Week Eight
Through trial and error, you are going to figure out what you can’t eat, what you can eat a bit of, and what you can eat anytime. Your personalized nutrition plan is coming into focus!
Week Nine
We work with you to help you make these changes sustainable once the course is over. We set up a 120-day check-in plan to continue to give you the support you need as you incorporate these changes.
Weeks Ten – Twenty-Four
We cement your nutrition change by helping you change your habits. By the end of week 24, you’ll have no issue maintaining this way of eating for years to come!
How Much is The Flourish Project?
The six month program is $400/month for six months.
The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is designed to give you 8 weeks of life-changing information about your diet and your health, and four months of invaluable personal support to implement the changes you’ve made. It packs much more information and support than a 30-day cleanse, and the changes you make are sustainable and maintainable.
Interested in learning more? Book a complimentary 15 minute consultation with Sheena to see if The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar is right for you.
Frequently asked questions
How do I get individual treatment?
Everyone’s genetics are unique. We will work directly with you to find out exactly which foods you can (and can’t) tolerate and help you develop a plan to change your diet for good.
Do I have to live near the clinic to take the course?
No! All appointments and check-ins can be done virtually.
When does the course begin?
We are running this program on a monthly basis. Contact us for the next start date.
What is the time commitment per week?
You will receive an email with a learning module almost every day. Some of the modules will have assignments, but we try to spread them out so you aren’t overloaded every week. Expect to spend about two hours a week.
After 8 weeks, we will work together for 4 months to dial in your new lifestyle and hold your hand every step of the way.
Why is it 8 weeks long?
We have found that 8 weeks gives us enough time to work with you to make the changes you need. We will also continue to offer support once you’ve worked through the content, for an additional 4 months.
How much is it?
$400/month for six months.
Do you have a blood sugar imbalance?
Consider the following (alarming) statistics:
- It is estimated that nearly half of the American population has a blood sugar imbalance severe enough to be classified as pre-diabetes. If left untreated, pre-diabetes will develop into diabetes – which requires a lifetime of food and blood sugar tracking and insulin injections.
- Fatigue is the most common complaint in people with diabetes or blood sugar irregularities.
- Even if your doctor has told you that your blood sugar looks fine, if you are suffering from fatigue and can’t lose weight, there’s a very good chance it’s not!
Why don’t doctors ever consider the effect your blood sugar has on your energy levels?
Balancing your blood sugar needs to be the first step taken to overcome fatigue. And the best way to do this is to determine exactly which foods your body does and does not tolerate!
That’s why we created The Flourish Project. Together, we’ll identify exactly how the food you eat every day is causing fatigue.
This program was created out of care and frustration. The Flourish Project: Balance Your Blood Sugar goes beyond diets/nutrition plans and gives you the formula needed to uncover your own, unique fatigue-fighting food guide.
Why this course will save you countless hours and hundreds of dollars
Every week in our practice we see a new patient who’s confused about nutrition that she’s ready to give up. She’s hired nutritionists specializing in paleo, keto, vegetarian/vegan, Mediterranean, high carb, low carb, macrobiotic, raw foods… The list goes on.
And while each of these may have given her a mild increase in energy, none of them were sustainable over the long term. And none of them considered her as the unique individual she is.
The problem with diet/nutrition plans is that they require willpower. And lots of it. That’s why these plans only last for 30 days. Any longer and you’ll be out of willpower.
That’s because adhering to a plan you don’t like for 5 years is impossible. None of us have that degree of willpower.
We designed this course to help you stop jumping from nutrition plan to nutrition plan. When you eat what your genes evolved to eat, you take willpower out of the equation. Eating foods aligned with your genetics is effortless. You’ll always feel full and you’ll stop craving junk foods.
The key to any nutrition plan is consistency. 30 days won’t cut it. If you want to improve your energy, you need to have your nutrition dialled 80% of the time.
The Flourish Project will get you off the diet-to-diet cycle. Saving you hundreds of dollars in money and thousands of hours of your time and frustration.