Recover from CIRS: How Do You Get Rid of CIRS?
Getting rid of CIRS for good is difficult, and every patient’s journey is different. But it is possible to get rid of CIRS for good. There is a scientifically proven, peer reviewed method called the Shoemaker Protocol that helps patients get their life back and get rid of CIRS for good.
Getting Rid of CIRS: Miranda’s story
Every day at our clinic we meet with patients from all over Canada, North America and various parts of the world.
And yet, their stories are all the same. Let me tell you about one such patient whom we will call Miranda.
Miranda found our website after struggling for years with an increasing number of health issues. Slowly, her life filled with appointments with every specialist and practitioner she and her doctor could find that might be able to help.
Miranda received diagnoses for all sorts of syndromes:
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Anxiety and depression.
She also spent thousands of dollars on testing and supplements. In spite of all of this, Miranda was not getting better. In fact, she was getting worse.
This is when Miranda found us.
The Hidden Battle: Syndromes and CIRS
Miranda’s story is not uncommon. Being diagnosed with syndromes like Fibromyalgia, CFS and IBS is extremely common for patients suffering from CIRS. Other syndromes that often accompany CIRS include MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), ADHD, anxiety, depression, long covid and many more.
It isn’t until patients realize that all of their illnesses are actually symptoms that they begin the road to getting better.
All of these illnesses are actually part of CIRS, because CIRS is an illness of the immune system, and the immune system affects every part of the body.
CIRS, or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, occurs in a percentage of the population with a genetic anomaly. As a result of this genetic anomaly, their immune systems can’t expel biotoxins. Due to this continued exposure, their immune system continually reacts to the biotoxins, which results in CIRS.
Unraveling the Mysteries of CIRS
The biotoxins that cause CIRS are primarily produced by mold, which is why CIRS is also called mold sickness. Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, a pioneer in the field, has dedicated his career to unravelling the mysteries surrounding CIRS.
Dr. Shoemaker has found that CIRS is not a simple illness. Instead, it is a syndrome with symptoms that can vary widely from person to person.
Understanding CIRS requires an understanding of its underlying mechanisms:
- Exposure to biotoxins. This exposure initiates a cascade of inflammatory responses in genetically susceptible individuals.
- Immune system dysregulation. In its attempt to neutralize these toxins, the immune system can become dysregulated. This leads to a constant state of inflammation that affects the entire body.
How to get rid of CIRS – Step #1: Proper Treatment
Your first step to getting rid of CIRS is finding a Shoemaker-trained practitioner.
That’s because the Shoemaker Protocol, developed by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, is the only scientifically-proven, peer-reviewed method to treat CIRS. This means that every test and supplement you take while on the protocol has been proven to work. It also means that other practitioners have followed the same protocol and achieved the same level of success with their patients.
There are many alternative practitioners that claim to treat CIRS or mold sickness. Their methods may be less expensive, or faster. But unless they are a certified Shoemaker Protocol practitioner, their methods have not been proven to work.
The Shoemaker Protocol is the only validated approach to treating CIRS. That’s it. There is no other protocol/treatment that has undergone thorough scientific scrutiny. If you want to get rid of CIRS, follow the Shoemaker Protocol.
How to get rid of CIRS – Step #2: Proper Diagnosis
If you’re anything like Miranda, you’ve already seen dozens of well-meaning healthcare practitioners. I’d bet you’ve also received some less-than-helpful diagnoses like CFS, IBS, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, or something of the like.
These types of diagnoses do nothing to help. At best, they describe your symptoms. At worst, they place you firmly into the category of patients suffering life-long illness with no cure. Which might make your doctors feel like they’ve done their job, but as you know, this is a dark place to be mentally.
Fortunately, you’re reading this post. And the first step towards getting rid of CIRS (for good) is a proper diagnosis.
CFS, Fibromyalgia and IBS are not a proper diagnosis. I explain why in this post.
Your Shoemaker Protocol practitioner will start by learning more about your symptoms and will have you perform a VCS test. If these preliminary screening tools point in the direction of CIRS, your practitioner will order a blood panel to confirm the diagnosis.
Most Shoemaker Protocol practitioners use a blood test called the GENIE test. It is the only blood test that looks at your mitochondrial DNA to see exactly what biotoxins are making you sick, and what your resulting health issues are. It will guide your treatment throughout the protocol.
How to get rid of CIRS (for good) – Step #3: Proper Environment
Think of the Shoemaker Protocol like a pyramid. You can’t continue to the next step until you finish the previous one. And the first two steps are the foundation to the rest of the protocol:
- Mold remediation. Your primary environment must be free of biotoxins. The Shoemaker Protocol uses specific testing that identifies the biotoxins that are making you sick. These biotoxins must be properly remediated.
- Ridding your body of biotoxins. Once your primary environment has been properly remediated, your body should be able to expel the biotoxins from your cells with the help of a binder. A binder does just that – binds to the biotoxins so that your body can excrete them.
Even once you complete the Shoemaker Protocol, you must always be aware of the environments you live and work in. You will likely have to continue testing your environment and taking binders if you start to feel sick.
How to get rid of CIRS (for good) – Step #4: Shoemaker Protocol
Including the first two steps, it can take 12-18 months to complete the full Shoemaker Protocol. After you have finished taking the binders, your practitioner will work with you to correct the hormone levels that were affected by your immune system dysregulation. During this time you will slowly start to see symptom improvement. By the end of treatment, all of the genes that CIRS activated will be turned off, and you will be healthy.
Do you think you have CIRS?
Book a complimentary 15 minute phone chat with one of our Shoemaker practitioners!
How we can help: A Beacon of Hope
At Flourish Clinic, we specialize in guiding patients through the challenges of CIRS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. With a commitment to personalized care and a comprehensive understanding of these interconnected conditions, we offer a unique approach that extends beyond conventional treatments.
Navigating the Treatment Landscape
Flourish Clinic recognizes that treating CIRS requires a multifaceted approach. The journey begins with a thorough assessment and understanding of the individual’s unique story and history of exposure. Through advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans, we aim to address the root cause, providing relief from the relentless symptoms that often accompany chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
The Missing Pieces: Environmental Mold and Toxin Exposure
It’s crucial to not overlook the role that continued exposure to environmental toxins plays in CIRS. Flourish Clinic delves into the intricacies of these exposures, offering solutions that go beyond symptom management. Biotoxin remediation, personalized detoxification protocols, and targeted interventions form the cornerstone of Flourish Clinic’s approach, acknowledging the often overlooked pieces of the puzzle.
A Personal Touch: The Story of Miranda
Returning to Miranda’s story, she discovered that at Flourish Clinic, we offer more than just treatments; we provide understanding and compassion. Our practitioners listen and understand that every patient experiences CIRS differently.
We were also able to connect Miranda with a community of others suffering from CIRS. Suddenly, she wasn’t going through this alone. Her spirits began to rise.
As Miranda embraced the personalized care at Flourish Clinic, her energy levels shifted, and the fog that clouded her mind began to lift. The missing pieces of her health puzzle started falling into place, leading her toward a brighter, more vibrant future.
A Journey Toward Wellness
In the pursuit of healing from CIRS, chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia, we aim to stand out as a guiding light. Beyond the generic advice scattered across the internet, we offer a personalized roadmap to recovery, recognizing the nuances that make each individual’s journey unique.
So, how do you get rid of CIRS?
The answer lies not only in statistics and general information but in embracing a holistic approach that considers the whole person. As you embark on your journey, consider the untold stories, the hidden pieces of the puzzle, and the personalized care that can make all the difference. After all, isn’t it time to ask:
What could your story of healing look like?
Do you think you have CIRS?
Book a complimentary 15 minute phone chat with one of our Shoemaker practitioners!
Mark Volmer has attained the highest level of Shoemaker Protocol certification, and is one of only two of Canada’s Shoemaker Protocol practitioners. The Shoemaker Protocol is the only scientifically proven method of treating CIRS.